As we all know, moving is a real change in our daily life that creates stress for all members of the family, including our cat.
Often it is the owner of the animal who gets agitated and creates even more stress precisely because he does not know how to help the cat deal with the situation, making him experience the same state of anxiety and stress
The territoriality of the cat
The cat is a very territorial animal and develops a strong bond with the environment in which it lives, for this reason it is important to pay attention to the possibility that the cat tries to return to the old house even though it is now inhabited by new people.
It is precisely the attraction force of the old house, considered by him still his, that makes the cat escape. For this reason, a young cat who has recently entered the house will be more easily predisposed to a change than an adult or elderly cat.
How not to traumatize the cat?

So that the cat does not experience the imminent change of house as a trauma, it is important to take it with you to the new home right away, in order to familiarize yourself with the new environment and explore it in peace.
From the first moments of familiarization, the new spaces will have to be prepared in advance, arranging everything necessary for its setting. It is essential to recreate his spaces above all by bringing back objects known to him, for example by using the furniture from the previous house or keeping some relevant object for the cat such as his bunk, the cushions of the chairs or the blanket of the sofa.
It is also important, once you have definitively entered the house, to give him the right time to get used to the new condition, proceeding in small steps. At first the cat will feel lost as it will have lost its points of reference and will therefore have to regain its spaces. You have to be patient: the first few days it could hide and get scared at every new noise.
Because moving house is stressful for your cat

Cats are creatures of habit, so changing their routine will affect their mood and stress levels. Another fundamental point follows: try not to upset his eating and timetable habits.
Cats don’t like change, so moving house can represent an important change which, if not managed well, could cause damage to their daily lives so much that it can cause anxiety or even health problems. Indeed, a very stressful event can also lead to a number of important problems such as depression and inappropriate urination.
There are valid aids against stress that your veterinarian will be able to recommend based on your cat’s health, such as pheromones in spray or diffuser, specific foods or Bach flowers that can help and facilitate not only the preparation and transport phase of your cat, but also the first times in the new home.
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